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Writer's pictureDavid Herscott

Consumers want to be in control of their buying journey, discover the performance marketing channel that allows them to do just that.

Updated: Oct 8

Picture this - you’re searching for the best possible mattress. There are potentially thousands of options, all touting a specific approach to giving you a perfect night’s rest. But where do you start? Most likely, you’ll use a search engine or maybe click on an ad in your social feed.

You’ll come across educational content from a review site or a trusted voice in the mattress industry: someone who’s reviewed a range of mattresses in terms of price, comfort, and a brand’s attention to customer service. If that educational content or review is genuinely helpful, you won’t feel pandered to. You’ll feel empowered by your choice. That’s the beauty and power of the full-funnel network. A Full-Funnel Network campaign replicates that experience: search result-to-review site-to-manufacturer’s site. Here’s an example:

What’s Needed for a Full Funnel Network Strategy? 

Target Users at the Start of the Buying Journey

With full funnel networks, timing is everything. You need to reach users at the very start of their purchasing journey. When you target users at this stage, you’re not just establishing brand awareness but shaping consumer perceptions of your brand, products or services, and seeding that intent to purchase in a consumer’s mind. 

A full funnel network platform gives you the opportunity of perfect timing.  By placing your promotional content on brand-neutral platforms, users naturally conduct research and begin to explore their options.

Create Editorial-Style Content 

Editorial-style content creation drives the success of  full funnel networks. As with content written for organic search, editorial-style content for FFNs must: 

  • Resonate with users, not pander to them. 

  • Provide them with valuable information, insights, and inspiration. 

  • Possess an authentic voice and be free of an overt “sales pitch” voice and tone you’d encounter in a conventional ad. 

  • Be expertly authored and demonstrate expertise. 

By leveraging expertise and authority in your FFN content creation, you can develop compelling narratives that align with your brand values, captivating users and nurturing their interest in your products and services. 

Leverage Purchase Intent and an Authentic Voice

One of the core strengths of the Full Funnel Network lies in its ability to leverage purchase intent and authentic voice. We recognize that users are more likely to engage with content that feels genuine, trustworthy, and unbiased. By positioning your promotional content as a long-form editorial from established publishers, you can tap into the power of trusted voices within your industry. This approach not only cultivates an atmosphere of credibility but also establishes a sense of confidence and reliability among users, encouraging them to consider your offerings with greater intent.

Create Scalable Acquisition Strategies

Scalability is crucial for FFNs, as it is with any marketing strategy. For this, you need to leverage a full funnel network platform that provides scalable acquisition strategies that allow you to expand your reach, capture new audiences, and maximize your efforts. 

This requires you to target placements across a range of channels and media: social media, programmatic ads, and paid search. This ensures your content reaches the right prospects at the right time, and gives you control over messaging, optimization capabilities, and performance measurement. With complete control, you can iterate; adapting and fine-tuning your strategy. 

Performance Marketing with Full Funnel Networks

Cost-Per-Action (CPA) and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Models

Full funnel networks give marketers the opportunity to implement effective strategies through cost-per-action (CPA) and cost-per-click (CPC) models. Unlike traditional awareness-focused ads, FFNs enable you to measure and optimize efforts based on real, tangible actions that users take whether it’s merely reading your editorial-style content, landing on your site from an FFN platform, or going through with a purchase as a result of being converted by your content. 

Tracking and analyzing CPA and CPC metrics based on these touchpoints gains you valuable insights into the efficacy of your campaigns. Going forward, you can allocate your marketing spend more efficiently. This data-driven approach aligns marketing goals with specific actions, ensuring you’re not only driving awareness, but conversions, return-on-ad-spend (ROAS), and ultimately, revenue. 

To learn how to launch a successful Full Funnel campaign read our white paper. You can download it here.



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